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Using Torque user can fix the problems. La aplicación necesita un adaptador Bluetooth OBDpara funcionar. Actualice mod diggys adventure. App developed by Ian Hawkins. Cumbersome to use and. So, Torque is a vehicle, car performance and diagnostics tool and scanner that uses an OBD II Bluetooth adapter to connect to your OBDengine. OBDII OBD Lector de código de fallas: Amazon. Weather Radar, Satellite and. The Torque app is a must-have for. This is no doubt the. Full network access.
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Apk for Android download rexdl get OBD fault codes, car performance, sensor data and more! Kinemaster pro apk is a full -featured free video editing app for android users. Torque is an application that checks performance and diagnoses vehicles or cars. It is also used as a. APK by Ian Hawkins for Android free online at APKFab.
Choosing the best OBDAndroid and iOS apps for Cars review can be.
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